Saturday, June 27, 2009

Test Drive #6

Well Delcious was certainly a bit different. Very interesting though. Would certainly make for a very handy tool. Being able to access your bookmarks from any computer, has to be a plus. But being able to share is just fantastic.

Technorati; I did a keyword search for bookmobile and had 203 results. Tried and advanced search but only got the same results. Not sure if i was doing it right, will have to explore furthur.

Library Thing; This got me excited, i reckon library thing is great. Excellent way to keep track of what you have read, and or loaned to friends. We all forget from time to time. I haven't as yet put any reviews on my books, but will get to it. Could also be a handy tool at work for me. Will have to invite my friends to check out my catalogue. May even be able to swap books or new authors.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Test Drive Rss Feeds

Having already seen this in action it was a littlie bit easier to follow and not quite so daunting. Unfortunately while trying to add my various Rss feeds to my newly established blogline account. That seemed to have developed an attitude entirely of its own accord, i had to retire from this exercise before i killed it. I did however manage to get into some of my saved feeds and read up on what some of the other Libraries are doing. Ditching the Dewey decimal system i must say is a very brave move. Not entirely outside the realms of possibility but out there. We ourselves at our library have just moved to the Bookshop system, containing six sections. These consisting of Biographies Crime, Countries, Health and Wellness, House and Garden Leisure and Hobbies & General non Fiction. These are filed by Section/Dewey No and then Author.

Test Drive Social Networking

Already having an account with Facebook, i can definately understand the benefits of the social networking sites. Even though i do not access my account on a regular basis, it allows me to catch up on what my family and friends have been upto in my absence. Our Library has purchased an additional module which allows patrons to access our catalouge via facebook and google desktop. This is really putting our library out there and in the face of all facebook users.

Test Drive Wiki's

Have finally gotten back to doing some more on the web 2.o. Wiki's are an interesting food for thought. We already have a wiki set up in our Library. We use this for saving procedure documents, sharing training knowledge among other things. It allows all of our library staff to access and update this information at any given time, thus keeping us all up to date in our workplace. We also have a staitionary order list in our wiki, this lets us all add to it as things get low. Saving time as we don't have to run around doing a stocktake at the end of each month.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Week 2 Flickr

In doing a search for my town of Laidley, i was surprised at the amount of pictures that came up. Some were relevant to my home town and others were not quite what i expected to see. A picture of a skeleton was quite surprising. Flickr i think would be a handy tool to stay in contact and share your adventures with your friends.

Here i have found the lovely girls from the Laidley library in full dressup for our pizza, popcorn 7 pictionary night.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Here we go ready to learn and see where this can take us. Our Library has set aside 1hr a fortnight to play and learn!
I am hoping that the Licence 2 Drive will give me a better understanding of what is available in this modern age of technology. In saying this, it will benefit not only me but all those that i come into contact that are requiring this type of knowledge.
Learning for life is a valuable tool. In this day and age our technology is forever changing and updating. So staying abreast of what is new out there can only be a benefit to all of us.
At this stage i am new to the world of blogging and have not had any dealings with them before. So i can't comment about any others.
Blogs in the Library, will enable staff and clients to comment, leave feedback and communicate with each other.